Sunday, February 12, 2012

Great photos, great weather, great times

Walleye on Red Lake, Ontario
Northern pike on Red Lake, Ontario
Matt Andrews holds a couple of beautiful fish for the camera of his father, John, last May while fishing at camp.
John's great photos exhibit things that make an ordinary photo into an exemplary one.
If you notice, even though it was a sunny day he used fill flash. This takes out the deep shadows on the subject such as below the bill of the cap while leaving just enough to show depth and detail.
He also took the photos along the shoreline, not out in the middle of the lake. The grasses and shoreline angle from one corner of the frame into the distance in the opposite corner. Things that go diagonally in a photograph create depth. It's also just more interesting to see the habitat where they were fishing.
The fact Matt is wearing a red shirt in the top photo is also a plus. When the subject wears a bright colour it quickly becomes the focus of your attention and just livens up a scene. The glove does the same thing in the second photo.
Matt and John were at camp the first week of the season last year and as you can see, the weather was beautiful. I don't remember exactly but normal daytime highs are about 65F in late-May.
May is our spring. Trees will just be budding out, wild flowers will be sprouting. Birds are migrating north. It's a great time to be outside. And it's also a great time to fish.

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